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About Us
What is the Tasmanian Air Rescue Trust? Tasmanian Rescue Helicopter Service
Management Operational Management Committee
Board of Trustees Service area
What is the Tasmanian Air Rescue Trust?
Registered as a charity on 28th of September 2000, to coincide with the inception of the Tasmania Rescue Helicopter Service, the Tasmanian Air Rescue Service was established as a vehicle for sponsorship and fund-raising to support the vital air and medical rescue service.
The Tasmanian Rescue Helicopter
The rescue helicopter service is there for everyone living in or visiting Tasmania. Any person may one day require its service through misfortune. The helicopter will attend at a wide and varied range of missions, from motor vehicle accidents, to search and rescue missions in our vast and rugged World Heritage Area.
The Rescue Helicopter will attend any event whenever it is determined that it is in the best interest of the patient. The service is also there for members of Tasmania Police as a crime fighting tool and to assist in their role maintaining Tasmania as the Safest State in the Nation.
The Tasmanian Rescue Helicopter Service
On 1 August 2000 the State of Tasmania obtained its first multi engine IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) emergency rescue helicopter. This service has vastly increased the flying capacity of any previous service available to the State. A service delivery contract has been signed between the State Government and Rotor-Lift Pty Ltd, to provide a full-time 24 hour aero-medical, search and rescue helicopter service.
Funding for the Air Rescue helicopter is provided by the State Government through the Department of Police and Emergency Management's recurrent budget. This considerable funding is provided on the basis that complementary funding sources through community ownership are sought to maintain the continual improvement to specialist equipment and training required by Police and Ambulance personnel and the pilots night flying training.
To maintain acceptable training standards for the police search and rescue crew, ambulance paramedic's, divers and Special Operations Group members for a 12 month period an intense training regime is carried out with additional upgrading of special search and rescue and aero-medical equipment.
The Department of Police and Emergency Management is responsible for the ongoing management of the service delivery contract between the State Government and Rotor-Lift Pty Ltd, as well as the ongoing management of appropriate use of this vital asset to the State.
Management-Who's Responsible?
The Trust is managed by a Board of Trustees who provide leadership to the Trust, and who approve the allocation of funding for training and equipment based on the recommendation of an Operational Management Committee. This Committee is made up of people who work directly in the search and rescue, aviation and medical fields. The view from a BK 117 cockpit
The Department of Police and Emergency Management recognises the work already completed by the Trust and has appointed a Trust Manager to coordinate programs and manage the day to day operations of the helicopter service.
Boards & Committees
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees are made up of the following persons:
Mr Tom Tully, Commander, Tasmania Police who chairs the Board.
Mr Steve Williams
Mr Michael Mazengarb is Director, Tasmanian Communications and Marketing and is the Board's marketing representative, and Deputy Chair.
Mr Bob Sydes, Rotary International - Community Representative.
Ms Jean Henley
Support Team
Ms Kirsten Bromfield - Acting Trust Manager. (Ph: 62302308)
Miss Tracy Foulkes - Secretarial/Accounting support. (Ph: 62302138)
Mr Geoff Easton - Liaison Officer. (Ph: Mobile 0421024146)
The Operational Management Committee
The Operational Management Committee is responsible for conducting appropriate research within specialist aviation, medical and law enforcement fields, and make recommendations to the Trust as to the appropriate equipment to be purchased and training that should be undertaken. This is only possible with funding raised by the very generous community and corporate support.
This Committee is made up of the following persons:
Inspector Ross Paine - Officer-in-charge, Marine and Rescue Services.
Mr Paul Steane - Sergeant in charge of Search and Rescue Services, Tasmania Police.
Mr Andrew O'Brien - Supervisor, Tasmanian Ambulance Service.
Ms Kirsten Bromfield - Acting Senior Executive Officer, Tasmania Police and also representative of the Tasmanian Air Rescue Service.
Service Area

Tasmania has the fourth largest coastline in Australia (4,800km).

The vast service area of the Tasmanian Air Rescue Helicopter Service extends from 39°12"S (approxiamately 00°11" South of Wilsons Promontary, Victoria) and includes all 52 islands of the Furneaux Group.

Tasmanian Rescue Helicopter service area covers Tasmania and Bass Strait
Click here for the Tasmania Police site
Click here for the Rotary International - District 9830 site
Click here for Rotorlift Pty Ltd
How to contact the Tasmanian Air Rescue Trust
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